5 Steps to Faster: Setting Preload on the Stan's M-Pulse Hub

5 Steps to Faster: Setting Preload on the Stan's M-Pulse Hub

5 Steps to Faster: Setting Preload on the Stan's M-Pulse Hub

Adjustable preload is a big part of what makes Stan's M-pulse hubs last longer and roll smoother than the competition. What's adjustable preload and why is it so good? Adjustable preload allows you to fine-tune the amount of pressure being put on your bearings. Bearings are Goldilocks products: they spin smoother and last longer when they have just the right amount of pressure, or load, applied to them. Too much pressure and you add drag and resistance, the last thing you want holding back every pedal stroke. Too little pressure and you get wiggle or play in the system, and that leads to uneven wear and an early death for even the highest quality bearings.

M-pulse hubs with adjustable pre-load allow you to dial in the perfect amount of pressure, so your bearings last longer and spin easier. While most hubs rely on how much you tighten your axle and start to wear out more quickly once play develops in the system, M-pulse hubs with adjustable preload are made to rotate better, and longer.

Step 1

You need only a 2mm allen wrench for this step. Begin by removing the wheel from your bike. The steps here are the same for both the front and rear hubs.

Step 2

Using a 2mm allen wrench, loosen the preload ring pinch bolt and turn the ring counter-clockwise one to two full turns.

Step 3

Install the wheel back on your bike, and tighten your axle to the torque spec recommended for your frame or fork.

Step 4

With the wheel installed, turn the preload ring clockwise until no play can be felt. The easiest way to check for play is to hold your frame in one hand while grabbing your tire with the other to check for any slight movement. Don't overtighten here. You just want to tighten enough to remove play from the system.

Step 5

Once your preload is set just enough to remove play, tighten the preload adjustment ring lightly (no more than 0.5nm) with the 2mm allen. Hold the short end of the wrench in your hand as you tighten, because this doesn't require much leverage and should not be overtightened. If you're having trouble reaching the bolt with the wrench because your frame or fork is in the way, loosen your axle and reposition the wheel so the bolt is easier to reach.

And that's it. You've locked in the perfect preload setting for your hubs, and your bearings will thank you by rolling smoother and lasting a long time!

If you want to see all the steps completed in real-time, check out this video: