Stan's How-to Sessions
Stan's How-to Sessions
Need help riding a tough section of trail? Looking for ways to improve a skill, like balance or bunnyhopping? Here's your chance to get some free riding advice from one the world's best.
How it works:
Submit a short (under 40MB or about 15-seconds) video of your riding below, let us know what aspect of it you want to improve, and let us know which Stan's rider you'd like to ask for advice. If your entry is selected, our rider will personally answer your questions by commenting or even post a video response to analyze your riding and make suggestions to help you improve. Need advice on how to ride a certain section of trail, or some insight into ways you can improve your technique? We'll be posting the video responses on our Stories page so that the advice offered can be shared with everybody.What part of your riding can we help you improve today?
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